Instructions For Authors

Instructions for AuthorsDownload
Cover Letter for Manuscript Submission Download

Manuscript submission

The following types of manuscripts are accepted: short research notes (up to 4 pages), research articles (up to 10 pages) and synopses (review articles – please contact the Editor-In-Chief before submitting a review). Short research notes are shorter submissions of a preliminary nature or those including new records or observed phenomenon etc. Research articles should present significant original research in the various fields of ecology. The Editor reserves the right to decide if a manuscript should be treated as a short note or research article. In general, studies that are purely descriptive, mathematical, documentary, and/or natural history will not be considered.

Manuscripts must conform strictly with the instructions to authors and sent to the Editor. Incoming manuscripts must be accompanied with the cover letter for manuscript submission. The cover letter must be signed by all participating authors! Three independent reviewers, experts in the field of the study, must be suggested, but you cannot suggest colleagues from the same institution (department, faculty) as the authors of the paper.

All incoming manuscripts are initially judged by the Editor. Manuscripts may be rejected without peer review if they do not comply with the instructions to authors or are beyond the scope of the journal. If the manuscript is acceptable in principle, it will be forwarded to referees for evaluation. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed by 2 or 3 independent reviewers. After final edition and approval by the editorial board, the manuscript will be accepted for publication. Manuscripts without the sample cover letter (fully filled out correctly) are rejected without peer-review.

It is useful to read this article, before submitting your manuscript to Ecologia Balkanica.

Once an article is accepted, it is published in Ecologia Balkanica immediately online first as a PDF file. Two whole issues are published in June and in December online (open access).

From 01.06.2023 the journal implements new article processing fees on all manuscripts, upon acceptance for publication. The journal content remains free to access.
The article processing fees are as follows:
– short note – 50€
– research article – 70€ (for standard article up to 10 pages) + 5€ for each additional page (above 10) 
– synopsis – 100€ (for standard article up to 10 pages) + 5€ for each additional page (above 10) 
The fee should be paid after the authors receive confirmation that the article is accepted for publication. Fees are paid via bank transfer, using the following information:
Ecotechnologii’21, 24 Tzar Assen Str. Plovdiv, BULGARIA

Legal requirements

Submission of a manuscript implies: that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract, or as part of a published lecture, or thesis); that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation. All incoming manuscripts are pre-checked for plagiarism and auto-plagiarism.

Manuscripts should be sent to: