
Index Copernicus (IC) is a world-wide gateway to complex scientific information. This system is aimed at: academic-level researchers, clinical practitioners, information and reprint providers, librarians, journal editors, government agencies.

Elsevier B.V. is an academic publishing company which publishes medical and scientific literature. It is a part of the Reed Elsevier group. Based in Amsterdam, the company has operations in the United Kingdom, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Spain and elsewhere. Leading products include the ScienceDirect collection of electronic journals, the Trends and Current Opinion series of journals, and the online citation database Scopus. Its free researcher collaboration tool, 2collab, launched in 2007, was discontinued in 2011. Elsevier publishes 250,000 articles a year in 2,000 journals. Its archives contain seven million publications. Total yearly downloads amount to 240 million.

International Impact Factor Services (IIFS) was founded by renowned scientists. A group of 70 scientist from various countries in different disciplines are started IIFS with specific objective of providing quality information to the researcher. IIFS offering academic database services to researcher. Its mainly: citation indexing, analysis, and maintains citation databases covering thousands of academic journals, books, proceedings and any approved documents. IIFS maintains academic database services to researchers, journal editors and publishers. IIFS focuses on : citation indexing, citation analysis, and maintains citation databases covering thousands of academic journals. Also IIFS provides a detailed report of individual journal for further improvement of respective journal overall look up and technical aspect for better Impact Factor. IIFS provides quantitative and qualitative tool for ranking, evaluating and categorizing the journals for academic evaluation and excellence. This factor is used for evaluating the prestige of journals. The evaluation is carried out by considering the factors like paper originality, citation , editorial quality, regularity & international presence.

CABI is a not-for-profit international organization that improves people’s lives by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment. Our mission and direction is influenced by our member countries who help guide the activities we undertake. These include scientific publishing, development projects and research, and microbial services. 2010 marks 100 years of CABI. Since its beginnings as an entomological committee in 1910, it then developed into a
Commonwealth organization before becoming a truly international service in agricultural information, pest identification and biological control in the mid 1980s.


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Journals’ Impact Factor

The Journals Impact Factor (JIF) provides a reflecting tools for ranking, categorizing, evaluating, and comparing various International/National Journals having ISSN published by Learning societies Universities and Institutions & Publication house. This factor is used for evaluating the prestige of journals. The evaluation is carried out by considering different the factors like Peer Review, Originality of Content, Technical editing quality, editorial quality and affiliation etc. Thus, the impact factor of a journal is calculated by dividing the number of current year citations to the source items published in that journal during the previous years. The impact factor is a very useful tool for evaluation of journals, but it must be used discreetly.